Congratulations to BSIA graduate Andrés García Trujillo on the publication of his new book Peace and Rural Development in Colombia: The Window for Distributive Change in Negotiated Transitions. Due out in September 2020 and based on his PhD dissertation, the book investigates whether peace agreements geared towards terminating internal armed conflicts trigger rural distributive changes.

Andrés García Trujillo is an associate at the Institute for Integrated Transitions (IFIT) and a Lecturer in Global Political Economy in the Economics Faculty of the Universidad Externado de Colombia, Bogotá D.C. Prior to joining IFIT, García Trujillo worked at the Office of the High Commissioner for Peace of Colombia, where he was involved in the peace talks as a an advisor on rural development between the Colombian Government and the FARC. García Trujillo has also served as an advisor to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, and as an independent researcher and consultant on development and public policy issues. Working under the supervision of Dr. Jennifer Clapp, he graduated from from the PhD Global Governance program in 2018.

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